New to Cuban dance?? We've got you covered!
Join us on SUNDAYS!
No partner required! Open to EVERYONE
We also offer bachata @ 5:30pm on the last Sunday of the month!
$10 drop-in @ YWCO
3 pm - 3:45 PM
LEVEL 1: Foundational Movements & PARTNER WORK
Location: Adinkra Hall (Rm. 407 Memorial Hall, UGA Campus)
This course is designed for students with no prior salsa dancing experience. It will cover the basic steps to learn timing in the music to develop muscle memory while learning a basic partner work combination that will have you dancing in no time!
Students should take this class for a full semester before moving on to Level 2: Partner Work and Fundamentals of Rueda I.
4:30 pm - 5:25 PM
LEVEL 2: Partner Work & foundations of Rueda de Casino I
Location: ywco (562 Research Dr.)
Designed for students who already have the foundational footwork of salsa—basic step, crossbody lead, outside turns—regardless of style previously learned (e.g. LA style) this course will add a new style to your dance repertoire.
The first half of the class will focus on Cuban-style partner work as well as figures from ‘rueda de casino’ that are versatile enough to be used on the social dance floor. The second half of the class will teach the basics of the ‘rueda’, or ‘wheel’, focusing on timing through a variety of partner changing moves from the ‘dame’ and the ‘enchufla’ families.
5:30 pm - 6:25 PM
Level 3: Partner Work & Foundations of Rueda de Casino II
Location: ywco (562 Research Dr.)
Designed for students who have shown proficiency in their positioning when leading partner work combinations and moves on the rueda. Students should also have a general understanding of musicality (eg. responding to the music).
The class will continue building on partner work combinations from Level 2 and heavily focus on dynamic partner-changing moves on the rueda. We will also explore other musical timings (eg. contratiempo) that can be incorporated into our dance repertoire.
pricing is as follows:
UGA Salsa Club (sponsored by TIMBAthens)
Level 1
3pm @ Adinkra Hall (Rm. 407 Memorial Hall, UGA Campus)
Level 2 & Level 3
$10 Drop-In
4:30 & 5:30pm @ ywco (562 Research Dr.)
*Bachata on the last Sunday of the month @ 5:30pm!*
Ready to commit??
Register for the whole semester (15 classes)!
$30 Students
$45 Community Members
TIMBAthens, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Proficiency with each move in your level is required for transitioning to the next one. We understand that every student is different, so at any point if you feel that you are not being challenged, then feel free to talk to one of the instructors for your level.
Once you’ve leveled-up it is still STRONGLY encouraged that you continue coming to the first class for review and conditioning, as well as to help with new dancers! Repetition is key for engraining the moves into your muscle memory.
The best way to practice is by social dancing!
Want to join us on the dance floor? Check our calendar or click here for more details!